Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Can you do me a favor?

You might have noticed something new to my page...
Notice it?
If not, look to the left of the screen...it's a blue box...yep there it is!
So here's the deal.
You may know that I'm taking the Perspectives class where we talk about fulfilling the Great Commission and where we fit in.
The class isn't just about being a missionary, but simply changing our mindset and looking outside of ourselves and our own little world and realize that there is a world out there that needs to know the good news of Jesus Christ.
In Matthew 28:10 Jesus tells the disciples and us, to go to the ends of the earth, teaching, baptizing and making disciples. God wants everyone, not just Americans or Africans, He wants everyone. All nations. All cultures. All ethnic groups. all people.
 In order for people to learn about this good news of grace, God wants to use you and me to spread it.
You may be thinking, "Chelsea, I am not going overseas. I have a career and family here. I'm not cut out to be a missionary."
I say, "Whoa, slow down. I'm not recruiting you to be a missionary, however, if that's what God is calling you to do, you need to do it, despite your concerns. When God calls you to do something, you better do it. It's a privilege to be called to further His kingdom and guess what? We are all called to tell people about Jesus. We just may not all be called to go overseas and that's perfectly okay, because surprisingly Christianity is growing faster in Africa and Latin America than it is here in America."
With that being said, there are still many unreached people groups that need to hear about the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
So I'm asking you a favor...
Even if you're not called to go overseas to spread the Gospel, will you pray that others who are called will be obedient?
Will you pray that the hearts of the unreached people groups will be open?
Will you pray that these people will have visions of Jesus?
Will you pray that they will feel God's presence in everyday life through a sunset or a bountiful harvest or the birth of a baby?
Will you pray that these people and missionaries will be protected from harm?
Everyday that box will change to a different people group. Maybe you would like to commit to praying for one specific group for the rest of the month or year. Perhaps you would like to pray for a different people group each day. Either way, these people groups need to know the good news that is life changing. God hears our prayers and we don't need to jump on plane to make a difference, we can make a difference by lifting these people up in prayer.
If you want to learn more about unreached people groups, just click on the box on the left side. The Joshua Project is dedicated to fulfilling the Great Commission and discovering the unreached/least-reached people groups.
Will you pray for these precious people right now?
Go on...you know you want to.
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I'm so glad you stopped by! I can't wait to hear your thoughts. Be blessed :)