Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Just a reminder...

This morning I was doing my reading for today (Leviticus 16-18) and once again, this passage was filled with many instructions about things that don't really relate to us like sacrifices, linen garments, and cleansing.
However, we can still learn from these passages.
In chapter 18, we read about what is right and wrong.
God is telling Moses to relay what He is telling him to all of the people.
What I think is interesting is how He follows up with each instruction.
He states what shouldn't be done and then says, "I am the Lord your God."
In high school english class, we learn that repetition shows that something is important. Obviously, "I am the Lord your God" is very repetitive, so it must be important.
I think of it as God's friendly reminder to the people and us.
I see it as Him saying...
"Just a reminder, I am supreme."
"Just a reminder, I am the creator."
"Just a reminder, I hold your life in the palm of my hands."
"Just a reminder, I know everything about you."
"Just a reminder, you may think you know what is best for you, but really I do."
"Just a reminder, I give and I take away."
"Just a reminder, I am a God of judgment."
"Just a reminder, I am a God of grace...please don't forget."
I think He's trying to keep us in our place.
Sometimes we can get so wrapped up in our lives
that we starting acting like we are God.
We will never be God.
Just not possible.
That's where Satan messed up, he was an angel and wanted as much power, if not more, than God. Look where he is now.
 Not a good place.
I think God is giving us this reminder, because once we start acting like God, we no longer need Him. Our relationship with Him becomes nonexistent.
That's not what He wants. God wants to be in relationship with us, not separated.
So we must always remember that He is the Lord our God
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